Most people use a keyword suggestion tool when they try to find new keywords for their campaigns. While keyword suggestion tools are good, they should not be the first step in your keyword research activities.
Before you use a keyword suggestion tool, ask yourself the following questions:
- What problems can your product or your service solve?
- Which questions do potential customers ask?
- Can you offer unusual solutions?
- Which products and services do you offer?

As you can see, the products and services that you offer are the least important. A person with a headache might not now that the Shiatsu that you offer will help them. They even might now know what Shiatsu is and if they know it, they might not be able to spell it properly. The same applies to all other services and industries.
For that reason, it is important that you focus on the first three points before using your products or services in the keywords.
1. What problems can your product or service solve?
In this example, the problem that your product or service can solve is a headache. Create a list of words that describe the problem:
headache, racking headache, migraine, vicious headache, splitting headache, megrim, constant headache, etc.
2. Which questions do potential customers ask?
People type different things in Google's search box when they try to find a solution to their problem. Here are some real queries that have been done on Google (use IBP's keyword suggestion tool to find keywords that are searched by real web surfers):
- why does my head hurt
- why does my head hurt when I cough
- how to get rid of migraines without medication
- how to get rid of migraines when pregnant
- why can't i concentrate on anything
- why am i so tired
- etc.
The problem that your product solves creates certain circumstances (fatigue, temper, concentration problems). Address these circumstances in your keyword phrases.
The problem can also be connected to another factor (for example migraine and pregnancy). Create keyword phrases that are related to these factors.
3. Can you offer unusual solutions?
Most people will take a pill when they have a headache. In this example, you offer a solution that many people don't know about (Shiatsu). The following phrases would work for you:
- get rid of migraines without medication
- get rid of headache without pills
The unusual solutions that you offer can also be used in your AdWords ad copy and on your web pages. For example, you might create web pages around the following topics:
- How to get rid of headaches without using Aspirin
- An unusual way of healing migraine without medication
- etc.
4. Which products or services do you offer?
Of course, you should also use the names of the products and services that you offer in your ads and SEO campaigns. In this example, this would be:
shiatsu, shiatsu massage, etc.
When you try to find new keywords, tell a short story that describes the problem and the solution: "A person has a racking headache. The person cannot concentrate because of that headache and the person is tired. Instead of taking a pill, there can be other solutions. That solution is my Shiatsu service."
By doing this, you'll find many keywords around which you can create new web pages and PPC ads. Of course, you can also combine this method with keyword suggestion tools.
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